2017 NESPA Scholarship Awardees

The Northeast Spa & Pool Association has awarded its 2017 H.J. “Duke” Ellington Memorial Scholarships.

Hannah Melissen of Chalfont, Pennsylvania, received a $3,000 scholarship. She is studying sociology at Suffolk University and volunteers at Relay for Life.

Emmah Evangelista of Collingswood, New Jersey, received a $2,000 scholarship. She will attend George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

“With more than 50 worthy candidates stepping up to be considered this year, our committee had the daunting task of reviewing each and every application,” says Sandy Nadler of Bel-Aqua Pool Supply in New Rochelle, New York, and scholarship committee chair. “This diverse group of young adults all balance challenging academic schedules with their volunteer efforts, which makes their achievements all the more impressive.”

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