30 Under 40 is Here!
I am so excited to share PoolPro’s inaugural 30 Under 40, where we honor the underrepresented next generation of swimming pool industry leaders with much-deserved recognition. Some of these will be familiar faces, and others will be as new to you as they were to us. I hope you see yourself in their stories — either in where you came from, what your career looks like now or where you hope it will go. We will be doing this again in 2020, so be on the lookout for the next round of nominations.
Along those same lines, I hope all of our under-40 readers plan to attend the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance’s WAVE Young Professionals Network event at Fulton Alley in New Orleans at this year’s Pool | Spa | Patio Expo. I joined its steering committee this year, and I hope to hear about a bunch of our readers attending and making those important connections.
In addition to 30 Under 40, in this issue we’re sharing the first of a two-part series highlighting industry entrepreneurs. These people saw a need in their service business, and when they couldn’t find a solution they liked, went out and made one. These days, most of them focus almost solely on selling their invention to the rest of the industry.
Finally, please stop by our booth at the show in New Orleans. I will not be there this year because by the time you read this, I will be cuddling our new baby girl. So if you’ve been trying to get in touch recently, please forgive my slow, incoherent and sleep-deprived responses.
Megan Kendrick, publisher