Jennifer Roscoe

PP19 5 Web Feature30JenniferRoscoe

Jennifer Roscoe

A Plus Pools, Inc.
Norton, Massachusetts

Five years ago, Jennifer Roscoe’s boyfriend, Shaun Andrews, decided to open a pool business. “She jumped on board,” Andrews says. “Jenn is now the co-owner and does all the behind the scenes work, including raising our two kids. She’s spent the last few years learning everything she can about the pool industry.”

While Roscoe only has experience working for A Plus Pools, she’s immersed herself in it. “I’m trying to learn from everyone I possibly can,” she says. “I love listening to the Pool Chasers podcast, following all of the industry leaders [on social media], collaborating with pool companies in our area, and I’m planning to take the CPO course this winter.”

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