Justin Lex

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Justin Lex

Service and renovations manager
Swimming Pool Services Inc.
Waukesha, Wisconsin

Justin Lex joined Swimming Pool Services in 2011 at the recommendation of a friend who was an employee. He started doing service and maintenance work in the field and eventually moved into the office. By 2013, he became the service manager. This year, he added renovations manager to his resume as well. “This season has been my most challenging but most rewarding yet,” Lex says.

Lex, who leads a team of 14 people, is serious about finding the right people and helping them grow, and he’s thankful for leaders who have helped show him how to do it.

“I have met so many fantastic business owners and clients throughout my career at Swimming Pool Services, which have helped mold me into who I am today and how I lead my team,” Lex says. “I look forward to seeing my team members grow professionally and personally.”

Lex is excited to see what the next 10 years in the industry will look like, both in technological advancements and business changeover.

“A lot of pool and spa business owners are nearing retirement, so there is going to be a large changing of the guard to a younger generation,” Lex says. “This industry never has a dull moment, and is built around fun and excitement. Creating personal resorts in people’s backyards — how could that ever be boring?”

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