Leah Perry

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Leah Perry’s first experience in the pool industry was riding around with her husband on his route and helping him route his weekly accounts. But when the pair moved to Texas, she got a job at The Pool Boys answering phones and helping in-store customers.

Eventually the Pool Boys started offering maintenance, and now Perry is the service manager responsible for the maintenance and repair teams. She hopes to one day manage multiple locations for The Pool Boys. “There is room for so much growth,” she says. “Whether you venture into weekly maintenance, repairs, building pools or remodeling pools there are always so many things you can get into. I want to continue helping my company grow its team as well as accounts.” 

As she helps to build The Pool Boys team, Perry wishes more people would see the potential in the pool industry. “A lot of people start off cleaning, which is really hard work,” Perry says. “But if they stick with it long enough, they could learn and do so much more.”

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