A Plaster Legend
Randy Dukes, a pool plaster expert with more than three decades of experience, has profoundly shaped the pool industry, earning widespread respect and admiration.
Randy Dukes, a pool plaster expert with more than three decades of experience, has profoundly shaped the pool industry, earning widespread respect and admiration.
When you first learn to swim, you start in shallow water with a kickboard and floaties. Most people don’t just jump off the highboard on day one.
Cuando se trabaja solo en el patio de un cliente, los celulares pueden ser grandes compañeros, ya que permiten escuchar un podcast o música o mantener una conversación. Pero aunque la mayoría de los lugares de trabajo tienen normas sobre el uso de celulares para las personas conductoras de vehículos de la empresa y las personas empleadas de la oficina, las normas para las personas trabajando en campo son más ambiguas.
A la hora de rotular el vehículo de su empresa, hay que tener en cuenta muchos factores; al fin y al cabo, una rotulación de camión es una valla publicitaria portátil para su negocio.
When working alone in a client’s backyard, cellphones can be great companions, allowing you to listen to a podcast or music or have a conversation.
When wrapping your company vehicle, there are many factors to consider; after all, a truck wrap is a portable billboard for your business.
Pool pros are working toward a consensus on whether to include chemicals in their service pricing or to separate out that cost for clients.
When the Fluidra team set out to create a new pump controller, they knew the status quo wouldn’t cut it.
Pool lifts are designed to lower a seated person in or out of the water, which can be helpful for someone who lacks the mobility to climb a ladder or steps.
Pool covers are an essential tool for the safety of a pool and those around it, both from the elements and for preventing accidents: To maintain that peace of mind they need to be replaced every so often.