Marketing Revamp

Flashback: 2008. Recession hit, and the banks and market collapse under the weight. River Pools & Spas co-owner Marcus Sheridan says his business lost 80 percent of its market because “homeowners just couldn’t get loans. No one had equity due to the housing crash. In an industry where literally anyone could get a loan for…

Selling Pool Routes

Selling Pool Routes

Sometimes, life gets in the way. Things change and you have to adapt. Growth happens and you have to make room. • Sometimes, you need to sell some of your pool routes. • Whether motivated by retirement, a shift in your business focus or an unexpected illness, there may come a time when you’ll need…

Road Rules

Road Rules

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your market share, purchasing a service route from another pool business can be a relatively quick way to bolster your customer base — and there are several benefits to acquiring an established service route. The Investment If you have the desire to purchase a pool route,…