Carlos Gonzalez

PoolPro30Under40 CarlosGonzalez


Carlos Gonzalez had impressed the folks at Texsun Pools — so much so that when he quit cleaning pools after it conflicted with his college class schedule, they created a new position for him with greater flexibility.

Gonzalez was put in charge of fixing all the vac-sweeps for maintenance customers. After that, revenue for cleaner repairs and new cleaners increased significantly, so the company’s retail director snatched Gonzalez up and moved him into retail. That busy period in Gonzalez’s life also included taking classes and doing internships for his degree — all while working at Texsun. One of those internships gave him management experience, and when he finished his degree Gonzalez became the manager of one of Texsun’s stores. Now he serves as the company’s marketing manager.

“The industry has so much potential when it comes to advancements in technology,” Gonzalez says. “Our industry has made the transition to automation; improved the way we monitor chemical efficiency through standalone testing units that measure ORP; and found ways to reduce chemical consumption through sanitation alternatives.”

The next step is putting all these advancements together to make systems that are self-sustaining and remote monitored, he says.

Gonzalez hopes to continue to be a part of that industry transition, and would someday like to run his own pool business that remotely monitors pools and sends technicians when needed. For now, he wants to continue at Texsun, saying he wants to use his time there to advance the industry.

“I would have never thought I would have such an extensive career in the pool industry when I applied for Texsun eight years ago, but here I am,” Gonzalez says. “I have made so many memories over the years, and met many people from different states and walks of life.”

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