What’s in your truck?

What’s in your truck?

We asked pool pros what they kept in their service trucks. Their answers varied based on the season, location and individual service professional. But everyone had chlorine and a pole. John Reid, Founder and President Primo Pool Care (Norfolk, Virginia) @primopoolcare “The most important item in the back of the pool truck is the pool…

Getting the Job Done

Getting the Job Done

For Tyler Rasmussen and Greg Villafana of Brothers Pool Service and Repair in Scottsdale, Arizona, the company’s love affair with Jobber began with an invoice they received as customers. “A long time ago we had somebody put a vinyl decal on our window,” Villafana says. “The guy who put the decal on sent the invoice…

The Clear Red Line

The Clear Red Line

If a pool technician can’t persuade a reluctant customer to replace a feeble pump or a weathered liner, no big deal. Their pool, their choice — onto the next job. But sometimes, a tech is obligated to not take “no” for an answer. Pools that aren’t properly installed or maintained can be death traps, and…

Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade

They say a good carpenter never blames his tools — but great pool techs certainly depend on them. From repurposing standard equipment for new and imaginative purposes to using their tools to build their businesses and bolster their reputations, the best in the industry treat their tools as extensions of themselves. The Top Tool: A…

pHin: A Review

pHin: A Review

[This product has been discontinued by Hayward as of December 20, 2021] We’d discussed writing a story on ConnectedYard’s pHin product for awhile, so when they got in touch and offered to let us test it*, we thought it was the perfect opportunity to see if it lived up to the company’s claims. Our publisher,…

Let the Contract Talk

Let the Contract Talk

If you’re running your pool service company without a service agreement between you and your customers, you’re flirting with danger and loss of revenue and growth. “Service agreements are the foundation stone for profitable growth,” says Tom Grandy of Grandy & Associates, which works to teach contractors how to run profitable businesses. “It’s what ties…

Servicing Automatic Pool Covers

Servicing Automatic Pool Covers

In general, automatic pool covers are quite reliable. However, as with any piece of equipment, the system requires maintenance at some point. Some of these maintenance issues are foreseeable — small wear and tear or general upkeep issues, for example. Other issues, however, are unexpected. This unanticipated service can fall under two categories, electrical or…

Guard the Pool

Guard the Pool

Chemical sanitizers will continue to generate sales for the foreseeable future, however, an ever increasing number of pool owners are concerned about chlorine exposure—over 80 percent according to Darren Hickman, CEO of Card on Guard, a floating, solar-based method of oxidizing pool bacteria. And that’s exactly the motivation behind Card on Guard’s development. Released in…

Cleaning Up a Summer Swamp

Cleaning Up a Summer Swamp

The last thing any pool owner wants is to have an algae outbreak during summer. Well-maintained pools should be free from algae; however, there are some things that can turn a maintained pool into a green menace at the height of swim season. Summer storms Rainstorms are notorious for bringing nitrogen into the atmosphere, which…

Fiberglass Pools Repair

Fiberglass Pools Repair

By Lawrence Scofield Fiberglass pools have vastly improved over the past decade. There is rarely a problem with today’s shells. “If it’s installed correctly, you should never have a problem,” says Jason Hughes, vice president of River Pools and Spas in Tappahannock, Virginia. To prevent fiberglass problems, focus on proper installation techniques. “The backfill material…

New App for Pool Service

New App for Pool Service

If it weren’t for the monthly invoices customers receive, most would never know a pool technician had come around. Arizona entrepreneur Herman Gunther figured there had to be a better way for pool technicians to notify customers about pool servicing. Flimsy invoices fluttering across lawns, against pool pumps or soaked in pool water weren’t quite…

Tracking with Telematics

Tracking with Telematics

Tracking fleet vehicles has become standard operating procedure for many businesses, including the pool service sector. There’s a high-tech name for this technology, too: telematics. You might even have a telematics device in your vehicle and not know it. “Telematics is better than GPS,” says Kelly Frey, vice president of product marketing at California-based Telogis….