Boost Your Closing Ratio

Boost Your Closing Ratio

I was the general manager of a trades company for many years. Salespeople would come by the office on a regular basis. Each would make their sales presentation, usually taking a significant amount of my time. At the conclusion of their presentation they would leave, often without asking for the sale. More than a few…

The Review Conundrum

The Review Conundrum

Let’s face it: Nobody is going to buy a $10,000 hot tub, a $20,000 swim spa or a $50,000 in-ground pool before checking out your company’s reputation online. Having high-quality reviews on a variety of sites can make the difference in a prospect buying from you or your competition. Why Reviews Are Important Reviews build…

Is Your Service Department on Flat-Rate Pricing Yet?

Is Your Service Department on Flat-Rate Pricing Yet?

It’s an old topic but it needs to be revisited — again. Has your service department adopted flat-rate pricing yet? If not, it’s time to seriously consider the conversion. Most contractors have very strong opinions about flat-rate pricing, one way or the other. However, the reality is this: If you have actually sat down and…

New Year Review Checklist

New Year Review Checklist

We are all familiar with the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. So the question is, do you have 30 years of experience — or one year of experience repeated 30 times? Wise, profitable companies review past performance, make necessary changes, and move forward. 2016 is…

Still Not Making Money?

Still Not Making Money?

A well-run service department should be making money, producing a 15 to 20 percent net profit. In fact, your service department should be the most profitable department within your company, but it’s usually not. There are two reasons most companies find service unprofitable. First, they are not priced properly. It costs a lot to run…