Check Your Insurance Coverage

Service Swordfish

Over the last 16 years in the insurance industry, specifically for pool professionals, I’ve seen claims from small to large, ranging from less than $600 to $2 million paid out. I sometimes cringe at the mistakes and accidents pool professionals make, but that is why they have and need insurance. I can always guarantee the claims that will come across my desk every policy term. The most common claims are flooding and plaster damage.

With flooding, I’ve seen pools overflow because the water was left on by the technician or in some cases the pool autofill malfunctioned. Also, too many times I’ve seen insureds drain the pool in the wrong cleanout, which caused flooding into the home. These claims range from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands, depending on the house value and damage.

When it comes to plaster damage, the majority of the claims arise out of over-chemicalizing, acid wash streaking damage and damage due to algaecide treatments. Usually this happens to dark-bottom pools and older pools with pre-existing conditions. These claims range from $4,500 to $15,000.

Insurance policies are not hard to find. Any local agency can offer a business owners policy or a general liability policy. In many cases, however, these general liability policies are not specific to the pool industry. They could be missing things important to the pool professional in the event of a claim, such as coverage for plaster damage, pool pop ups, acid washes and chemical spills. When shopping for an insurance policy, check for the coverage pool professionals need most. What matters in a claim is not the claim itself but whether the claim will be covered.

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