Cover Care adds five locations

pool pro magazine news covercare

Cover Care, a non-franchised nationwide team of automatic pool cover experts who install and services automatic pool covers, has added new locations in Des Moines, Iowa; Frederick, Maryland; Bakersfield, California; Richmond, Virginia; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

“As pool professionals continue to struggle with labor shortages, Cover Care is the ideal outsourcing solution for pool builders who want to sell more automatic pool covers but don’t have the bandwidth to do the work in-house,” says Jacob Bloss, director of operations for Cover Care East. “With our additional locations, Cover Care has the ability to help more pool professionals meet their demands for automatic pool covers in their specific markets.”

With more than 40 locations, Cover Care provides a coast-to-coast solution for the installation and service of automatic pool covers. “Our in-market inventory of automatic pool cover products allows builders to get jobs done faster and stay on schedule,” says Tom Callahan, director of operations for Cover Care West.

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