Eric McDaniel

PoolPro30Under40 EricMcDaniel


Eric McDaniel started in the customer service department at Water Tech as a college student in 2008 and worked his way up.

“While I was in customer service, I excelled quickly,” McDaniel says, adding that he caught the attention of the company’s director of sales. McDaniel transitioned to the sales department, then two years later while also pursuing his bachelor’s in accounting, McDaniel began to split his work time between sales and accounting.

In 2013, McDaniel was promoted to accounting manager: “Since I have worked in all the major departments here, I have a really tight grasp on our business as a whole and often step outside my accounting role to help in day-to-day operations,” he says.

McDaniel hopes to continue his trajectory of growth at Water Tech, with ambitions for becoming the director of finance and, eventually, chief financial officer.

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