Erik Taylor
Erik Taylor was working six and seven days a week at a jewelry store when his best friend took him out on a couple of pool service jobs. Taylor says he fell in love with the industry, saw potential in it, and started Chlorine King Pool Service immediately. For several months, Taylor continued working at the jewelry store while he put together his company website, built SEO strategies and learned all he could about the pool service industry, all the while never needing a loan. In 2016, Chlorine King Pool Service accepted its first client.
Since that time, Taylor has gained experience in the field and through training in water chemistry and installations of everything from lights to automation systems. “I believe no one can ever learn enough,” he says. “Knowledge is power, especially in this industry, so I am constantly trying to better myself through reliable resources.”
Taylor shares what he’s learned with others through his YouTube channel (which has about 240 videos) and The Chlorine King Pool Service Show, a podcast for pool professionals.
“I want to educate and empower people to be the best they can be, so one by one we can lift the industry as a whole,” Taylor says. “My goal is for all of us to be seen on the same level as an electrician or plumber.”
Taylor says he has received countless emails, phone calls and texts from his YouTube subscribers. “I love helping the pool professional succeed,” he says.
Joel was my rock with my business in its infancy and still to this day. He is always a phone call away to help me with whatever I need. He would stay on the phone with me for hours if needed to make sure I got whatever I needed to get done. He did this willingly and without expecting anything in return. That is just the type of man Joel is. He always answers, and if he couldn’t for whatever reason, he always calls right back. His knowledge is vast in all aspects of the pool industry; he is a wealth of knowledge. We have become really good friends as well, so I am not only thankful for his mentorship but also his friendship. He is truly an asset to the pool industry and should be recognized.
Mentor: Joel Dramis
Owner, JD Pool Clean