Fluidra Expands its International Pool Pro Day Contest

international pool pro day

In 2021 Fluidra announced the creation of Fluidra International Pool Pro Day through the National Day Archives to honor and celebrate pool professionals on September 7th. Last year, the company expanded its celebration of International Pool Pro Day by starting a contest to highlight the incredible work of pool professionals.

For 2024 Fluidra is growing its contest to include more industry segments and pool pros. Professionals interested in entering the contest can submit their work on Facebook and Instagram by tagging the appropriate Fluidra and PoolPro magazine accounts and using the coordinating hashtags.

Winners of each contest will receive a $100 Visa gift card.

Residential Service Tech

How to Enter:
Upload a photo or video of your best Drop in a Jandy replacement (before and after) on Facebook or Instagram.

Tag the following channels:
@JandyPool on Instagram or @Fluidra North America on Facebook
@PoolProMag on Instagram or @PoolPro on Facebook

Use hashtags #DropInAJandy AND #PoolProDay

Submissions close on August 16th
Bracket voting starts July 1st

Commercial Equipment Room Contest

How to Enter:
Upload a photo or video of your commercial Fluidra equipment rooms AND tell us why you choose our products for your projects in the caption.

Tag the following channels:
@Fluidra North America on Facebook
@PoolPro on Facebook or @PoolProMag on Instagram

Use hashtags #FluidraCommercial AND #PoolsBuiltBigger

Submissions close on August 16th
Bracket voting starts July 1st

Residential Builder Contest

How to Enter:
Upload a photo or video of your Versa Plumb equipment sets on Facebook or Instagram.

Tag the following channels:
@JandyPool on Instagram
@Fluidra North America on Facebook
@PoolPro on Facebook or @PoolProMag on Instagram

Use hashtags #DropInAJandy AND #PoolProDay

Submissions close on August 16th
Bracket voting starts July 1st

Retail and Distribution Contest

How to Enter:
Upload a photo of your Fluidra branded display (Polaris, Jandy, CMP, Nature2, S.R. Smith or Taylor) to Facebook or Instagram.

Tag the following channels (as appropriate):
@Fluidra North America, @Polaris Pool, @Taylor Water Technologies or @S.R.Smith on Facebook
@PolarisPool, @TaylorPoolSpa or @SRSmithPools on Instagram
@PoolPro on Facebook or @PoolProMag on Instagram

Use hashtag #FeatureMyFluidra

Submissions close on September 2nd

Commercial Deck Equipment Contest

How to Enter:
Upload a photo or video of your commercial S.R. Smith deck equipment (rails/ladders, lifts, bulkheads, starting blocks, thermal covers, etc.) AND tell us why S.R. Smith is your go-to.

Tag the following channels
@S.R.Smith on Facebook or @SRSmithPools on Instagram
@PoolPro on Facebook or @PoolProMag on Instagram

Use hashtags #PoolBetter AND #DeckedOutWithSR

Submissions close on September 2nd

Terms and conditions

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