Guard the Pool

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Chemical sanitizers will continue to generate sales for the foreseeable future, however, an ever increasing number of pool owners are concerned about chlorine exposure—over 80 percent according to Darren Hickman, CEO of Card on Guard, a floating, solar-based method of oxidizing pool bacteria.

And that’s exactly the motivation behind Card on Guard’s development.

Released in the fall of 2016, Card on Guard (headquartered in Indianapolis) was inspired by the long heritage of using natural methods to successfully treat water and control bacteria. The base photolytic technology, invented over 25 years ago, focuses on sunlight as the preferred renewable resource. For the past seven years, Hickman has indentified and developed commercial applications of the process, including solar water sanitation.

How it Works
Card on Guard captures, retains and radiates UV light and near infrared electromagnetic photonic energy to generate a photolytic reaction (the splitting of hydrogen and oxygen off of H2O molecules) within some the treated molecules, as Hickman explains. This process results in the formation of low levels of free radicals that attack, weaken and inhibit the reproduction of bacteria.

“When used in pools, it pays for itself in a matter of months—or weeks in hot and sunny climates— through reduced chemical costs, and therefore saves hundreds over the 12 months of useful life,” Hickman says. Customers simply drop it into their pool at it begins to work immediately, resulting in less buying, storing and handling of chemicals.

Once a consumer purchases the Card on Guard product, Hickman recommends the following steps for use:
1. Test the free chlorine of the water to make sure it’s between two and four ppm.
2. Drop the Card on Guard into the pool and let it float freely, tether it to the pool ladder, or clip it
to the drain grate at the bottom of the pool.
3. Test the water again after one week of use. If it is still between two and four ppm, reduce the amount of sanitizer normally used but 50 percent.
4. Test the water each week and continue reducing the sanitizer by 50 percent each time until the free chlorine level drops below acceptable level.

“It works with other existing sanitizing systems that use chlorine or bromine as a supplement, such as ozonation and mineral based systems,” Hickman adds. “It reduces the electrolytic cell setting of salt water chlorinators by a minimum of 50 percent, so the cell lasts at least twice as long.”

How and Why to Offer
Card on Guard is available through all distribution channels. Consumers can purchase it from the company directly, from a box store, or from pool professionals. As consumers continue to look for chlorine alternatives, Hickman believes that businesses that do not provide these alternatives will lose sales to outlets that do. He also believes there is a strong possibility that the pool market as a whole will expand with the availability of chlorine alternatives, as consumers who did not previously install a pool because of the chemical requirements, decide it’s time.

“There is a significant opportunity for pool service companies to improve the profitability of their business by using Card on Guard,” he says. “They can reduce their sanitizer costs while charging the same fee and providing added benefit of a reduced chlorine pool service for their customers.”

Of the response so far, Hickman says that pool professionals are amazed at what is promised with Card on Guard, but are skeptical and apprehensive. “They should see for themselves that it works and we back that up with a 30 day money back guarantee to consumers and a 60 day money back guarantee to trade partners.”

The company hopes that, within the next five years, one in four pool owners worldwide will be using Card on Guard in their pool. “An ambitious goal, but one that is achievable given that 81 percent of pool owners are concerned about chlorine exposure.”


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