Haviland staff clean up local riverway

Haviland Pool & Spa, manufacturer of pool and spa brand chemicals such as ProTeam, Nature’s Care and Spa Pure, gathered a group of employees to participate in their city’s Grand River Cleanup. The Grand River Cleanup gives volunteers the chance to improve the environment by removing thousands of pounds of trash and recyclables from the edges of the Grand River as well as from storm drains and streets. The event this year was stretched out over an entire week to allow for social distancing and smaller group participation. Haviland employees worked specifically to clean a stretch of Indian Mill Creek across the street from their corporate office.
“We fully support this hands-on community effort because we understand the importance of protecting water quality both in pools and spas, but more importantly in streams and rivers,” says John Bokor, director of sales for Haviland Pool & Spa. “Streets and sidewalks accumulate litter that is washed away into drains and waterways if we don’t stop it. In urban areas around the Grand River the ‘first flush’ of pollution after a rainstorm can take less than 15 minutes to reach the river, so we were very pleased with the many bags of garbage and the grocery cart that our team pulled from the river near our factory.”