Clean Sweep

PoolService Nets 1

Pool service nets may not be the most high-tech pieces of pool equipment, but they’re an integral part of a pool pro’s tool lineup.

While the pool net’s purpose is to aid a pool tech in pulling debris from the water, different types of debris pose different challenges. That’s why pool pros often carry more than one type of net from job to job. There are a variety of nets to choose from, and pool service companies each have their favorites.

Erik Taylor, owner of Chlorine King Pool Service in Seminole, Florida, says durability is a key consideration. His team primarily uses the Purity Pool line of nets, as they seem to last the longest and make the job a little easier, Taylor says. “We substitute Animal nets when the Purity Pool nets are not available.”

Taylor says that for about 95% of his company’s service work, the fine mesh white nets are the nets of choice. “We call it the water surface polishing net,” he says, “because it does such a great job of catching stuff that would pass through most nets.”

However, when the Chlorine King service team comes across a pool full of leaves and other large debris, the fine mesh nets get heavy quickly. In such cases, Taylor explains, the team turns to the Purity Pool Red Baron net because it’s the most durable they’ve found for larger debris, standing up to twigs and other sharp bits that may poke holes in finer material.

John Poma, owner of A+ Pool Service in Lakeland, Florida, also turns to the Red Baron nets for pulling out hefty debris. For animal hair, tree pollen, seeds from trees and fecal matter, the A+ Pool service team uses a silk or fine mesh net.

With the service nets getting so much daily use, proper maintenance is crucial. “We rinse them and lay them out to dry,” Poma says. “We also inspect them weekly to make sure there are no holes or tears.”

Damage to the nets can also occur in transit from job to job. “Store your net during travels in places it won’t get punctured from tools, milk crates or other things,” Taylor says. “Empty debris out of the net as frequently as possible. That way you limit the opportunity for the net to get damaged when not in use.”   

Pool pros also need to ensure their tools are clean and sanitized before the next job. Thankfully, as Taylor explains, the pool chemicals typically take care of sanitizing the nets, and a rinse with the hose or a good flick will usually remove excess debris.

Some incidents, however, may require additional sanitizing of the net. “If you’re dealing with a pool that has algae or a fecal incident, a great way to decontaminate the net is once you’re done skimming, lean the net over the edge of the pool, then pour your chlorine through the net and into the pool,” Taylor says. (Poma’s team uses this technique, too.) “Just make sure you have a hose next to you to rinse the net, and don’t drip [chlorine] on the deck or let the [chlorine] sit on the net for too long.” While every service pro has their own best practices and techniques, the goal is always the same: to get pools back in top shape. Pool service nets are an essential part of the pool pro’s arsenal in accomplishing that task.

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