Lori Bryant

PoolPro30Under40 LoriBryant


Lori Bryant learned how to care for her family pool by watching her dad, who died early last year. Like many during the COVID shutdown, Bryant had extra time on her hands — and decided to clean pools for extra income.

“I think what pushed the idea was the fact that whenever I would call a pool company to come service mine, they would all say they don’t come out to certain areas,” she says. “I then took it upon myself to be that person who would service all areas. That same day, I posted a flyer on my Instagram with pictures and videos of previous years working on my pool — and business has been booming ever since.”

Bryant named her company Guyco Pool Services in honor of her late father, Guy. In April, Bryant earned her CPO certification from the PHTA. And in June, Jobber approached her for a marketing campaign that would highlight small businesses worldwide; Bryant was recognized for a pool video she posted on TikTok that went viral, hitting over 1.6 million views.

Her plan is to expand the company, building up teams so Guyco can be of service in different states. In the longer term, she hopes to open a storefront where she can offer services, equipment and chemicals. “Starting this company has been the best thing I could have done,” Bryant says, “because not only is it something I love to do, but it also brings me closer to my dad.”

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