Manufacturers Receive ENERGY STAR Awards

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Pentair received a 2019 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award for continued leadership and superior contributions to ENERGY STAR. This honor marks the sixth year that Pentair has garnered recognition for its energy efficiency achievements. Accomplishments listed on the ENERGY STAR website for Pentair include:

  • Collaborating with ENERGY STAR to promote efficiency, including through a pool pump campaign that garnered 75 million impressions driven by online ads and posts, and led to more than 17,000 rebates.
  • Actively engaging in social media campaigns on ENERGY STAR related topics throughout 2018 using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube resulting in 760,000 cumulative impressions.
  • Developing advanced pool pump technology that controls flow rates in addition to speed, resulting in unprecedented savings and without compromising performance, which resulted in tremendous market enthusiasm.
  • Assisting meaningfully in the ENERGY STAR specification revision process, particularly by explaining complex technical and policy issues surrounding new DOE minimum efficiency regulations.
  • Saving consumers 3.7 billion kWh and $412 million in savings resulting from the purchase of Pentair ENERGY STAR certified pool pumps. 
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Hayward Industries, Inc. was also awarded a 2019 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award. Accomplishments listed on the ENERGY STAR website for Hayward include:

  • Certifying the first ENERGY STAR Version 2.0 pool pump and the first non-self-priming ENERGY STAR model with the launch of the new PowerFlo VS 300 variable-speed above-ground pump; this pump provides up to 80 percent energy savings over single-speed pumps and quieter operation.
  • Achieving more than 100,000 unique visitors to a page promoting the benefits of ENERGY STAR products using targeted multi-channel consumer marketing.
  • Expanding the market for ENERGY STAR certified pool pumps by offering lower horsepower models that are suited for typical pools with upfront prices that appeal to a broader range of pump purchasers.
  • Updating messaging and targeting it to achieve not just high reach but high engagement, as exemplified by an email campaign, in conjunction with a utility promotion, that achieved a 46 percent open rate.   

Pentair and Hayward were recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy for these accomplishments at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. on April 11.

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