Matt Lensch


In 2007, Matt Lensch began cleaning the pool and performing simple maintenance at his apartment complex in Columbus, Georgia. Along his career path, Lensch was a lifeguard for a Boy Scouts of America summer camp and at a local YMCA, moving from lifeguard to head lifeguard, assistant aquatics director and landing on aquatics director. During this time, he worked diligently to obtain as many industry certifications as possible.

This led Lensch to a management opportunity for the parks and recreation department in his hometown of Columbus, Georgia. After two years working for a facility with an Olympic-sized pool and high-tech equipment, Lensch took a position at a local pool building company, where he learned about pool construction, leak repair, motor/pump servicing and plumbing on backyard pools. He only worked for the company for one year, he says, “but [I] learned so much because my background had been only with commercial pools.”

Lensch then returned to Columbus Parks and Recreation, where he is now the aquatics maintenance supervisor and responsible for five outdoor and two indoor commercial pools. 

He recently started his own business, In the Clear – Pool Service & Cleaning, “and am well on my way to building enough customers to work for myself full time,” Lensch says. “My dream is to be self-employed and doing what I love, which is maintaining and operating pools for the people in my hometown.”

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