Miranda Rodriguez

PP22 6 Web Feature30Under40MirandaRodriguez


“Safety first” is a mantra close to Miranda Rodriguez’s heart. Upon starting her career as a chemist with Taylor Water Technologies, she has seen firsthand the important role the company’s products play in the safety of its customers. “An unbalanced pool can be harmful to people and their equipment,” Rodriguez says.

Since being promoted to quality manager, she has let her experience as a chemist inform the decisions she makes. In her new position, Rodriguez must be cognizant of potential dangers, which is a serious responsibility. She credits the company’s dedication to quality as one of the keys to its success and wants to “ensure that we continually improve in order to keep us that way.”

She maintains a high standard for the company’s products and knows her future will depend on her maintaining an even higher standard for herself.

“My goals are to grow my skill sets in the quality field by continuing to the next step in the ASQ certification process,” she says. “Further along, I am hoping to be a director where I can grow our department to expand our reach and take on more responsibility.”

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