NPC, Industry Pays Tribute to Greg Garrett
The National Plasterers Council announced today that industry leader, Greg Garrett, died on August 20.
“The entire NPC family mourns the loss of this larger-than-life man who dedicated his career to the swimming pool industry, was a true industry unifier and leaves behind a magnificent legacy,” the NPC press release said. “We extend our deepest sympathies to his family, friends and colleagues.”
Garrett began his career in the pool industry in 1969 as a pool builder in Arizona. Through his career, he volunteered his time to countless pool associations and committees. In the 2000’s Garrett led the charge in the development of the NPRIC. Most recently, he served as a board member of the NPC, and from 2015-17 he managed the NPC’s technical offerings as its director of technical services. Through research and testing, Garrett was instrumental in the development of the National Plasterers Council’s Start-Up Certification program.
Garrett educated pool professionals all across the country about the proper start-up, care and maintenance of cementitious interior pool and spa finishes. In recent years, Garrett expanded his educational offering to include troubleshooting of plaster pool finishes.
“The NPC will continue to educate the industry about these important issues, but it won’t be the same without Greg,” the council’s press release concluded. “His unique style and personality pushed these issues to the forefront of the industry and it will be the honor of the NPC to carry on that legacy for the man we all called Mr. NPC.”
Listen to Garrett’s interview on the Pool Chasers Podcast in November 2018.
View Garrett’s informational videos on the NPC’s Youtube Channel.