NPC releases ‘Technical Manual – 10th Edition’

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The National Plasterers Council has released its “NPC Technical Manual – 10th Edition.”

The manual is a pool plasterers’ industry guide, which contains technical information on methods and procedures for pool professionals to use on the job. According to NPC, the book’s content is based on the most up-to-date U.S. pool plastering common practices, which were reviewed, revised and reapproved by NPC’s technical advisory committee and board of directors.

For many, the manual is considered the authority on sound technical practices in the swimming pool surface application industry and is considered a living document, in that it continues to be updated and improved as new research and methods become available. 

The manual can be purchased online at The print version is priced at $20 for NPC members and $100 for non-members. The electronic version is priced at $35 for members and $135 for non-members. 

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