President of Paragon Pools Presented with Proclamation from Clark County Board of Commissioners

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20th proclamation 122023

Joseph Vassallo, president of Las Vegas-based Paragon Pools, was presented with a proclamation from the Clark County Board of Commissioners.

The proclamation submitted by District C Commissioner Ross Miller commends the 20 years of continued dedication and successful efforts achieved by the Float Like A Duck water safety initiative founded by Vassallo.  “Clark County has been an active water safety partner with the Float Like A Duck initiative since 2015 when we collaborated on a water safety PSA,” Vassallo says. “We welcome their ongoing support and are confident that through our joint efforts, we can continue to make an impact in the community.”

Paragon Pools given proclamation
Paragon Pools executive vice president Joe Vassallo, Jr. and president Joseph Vassallo proudly hold the proclamation honoring Float Like A Duck’s 20th Anniversary.
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