Two podcasts, an article and new friends

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Last year I received an email about a PoolPro story on online reviews:

“After reading The Review Conundrum article I was very inspired because this is exactly what we went after when starting our company three years ago. Taking Yelp and Google serious took our business to a whole new level … If you ever want to ask us questions and perhaps write an article on how taking reviews serious changed our pool business it would be our honor.”

I followed up and had Greg and Tyler from Brothers Pools on The SpaRetailer Podcast, which I host for our sister publication SpaRetailer. A few months later we chatted in our booth at the Expo in Orlando. They mentioned they were thinking of doing their own podcast for the pool industry. They did, and it’s great.

After I bought the magazine, I gave them a call — I knew they were the kind of people I wanted to not only talk about in PoolPro but also align wi

th. They are on our cover this issue, and you can read all about how they started their business and the Pool Chasers podcast in this issue. They were even kind enough to have me on their podcast, which meant a whirlwind 20-hour day in and out of Phoenix.

I believe in community — and even more so now that I’m a business owner myself. Running a business can be lonely and stressful. You’ve got to find the people you can turn to for advice, help and empathy. That’s what I love about the Pool Chasers podcast. Greg and Tyler aren’t trying to tell you everything they know about pools. They’re using the podcast as a learning tool themselves, bringing on guests they respect and want to emulate. Plus, they’ve cultivated an online presence through social media that fosters community and respect.

That’s what we try to do at PoolPro too. I still have a lot to learn about this industry, but in each issue we try to bring you stories about people who are figuring it out and what they do that works. We want to be a place that you turn to for help, a respite from the day-to-day and a community that supports your business journey.

So don’t be shy! Look at all that came from that short email from Greg: two podcasts, an article and a new industry friendship. We want to hear and share your stories, too; give me a call or shoot me an email so we can do just that.

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Megan Kendrick, publisher

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