The Michael Phelps Foundation celebrates 10 years with Pool Safely event

Take the Pledge FlierThe U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Pool Safely campaign and the Michael Phelps Foundation honored the 10th anniversary of the Michael Phelps Foundation and the 10 years since the passage of the Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) Pool & Spa Safety Act with an event promoting water safety.

“The progress our Foundation has made over the past decade is remarkable, but far too many children are drowning each year,” says Michael Phelps, president of the Michael Phelps Foundation. “We are proud to come together with Chairman Buerkle [of the CPSC], Pool Safely, and other partner organizations to make a difference in the lives of children, helping them to learn how to have fun while being safer in and around the water.”

Following the press conference, the organizations convened a water safety event that included a swimming lesson with children from the City of Peoria and a swim stroke clinic with participants in the Special Olympics of Arizona. After the in-water activities, participants joined more than 200 young swimmers from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Phoenix and Colorado River for a community water-safety event featuring water-safety activity stations. To kick off the community event, Michael Phelps led children in taking the Pool Safely Pledge, which asks children to affirm that they will: ask parents for swimming lessons, never swim alone and always stay away from drains in pools and hot tubs.

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