PSP Expo — Discussion Panels
By the International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo
The 2019 International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo will be held November 5-7 in New Orleans. We’re excited to bring you another year of world-class educational opportunities, new product experiences and the opportunity to sharpen your skills. This year we are bringing back our segmented Power Panels — three panels — one for builders, retailers and service professionals on opening morning.
Before the expo floor opens you can attend one of three powerful discussion panels focusing on the main industry segments. The Power Panels are FREE to everyone and serve as a great kick-off opportunity to the rest of the week. Our panels will be separated to provide an in-depth relevant conversation surrounding the industry segment you’re most involved with. We suggest bringing the whole team to cover more than one power panel. The sessions will take place Tuesday, November 5, from 10:15 to 11 a.m.
The Power Panels will provide an in-depth conversation about current industry trends by bringing together the best forward-thinking minds in the pool builder, retail and service segments. You’ll have the opportunity to gain insights regarding the current state of the industry, emerging technologies and trends, and issues facing the industry, all while engaging with the panel as they offer relevant solutions.
We are proud to have the Power Panel sessions as part of this year’s PSP Expo educational offerings. Come prepared to listen, learn and gain valuable insight! To learn more about the Power Panel sessions and to register, visit
This content is sponsored by the International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo.