Revamp Your Website
I’d like to ask you some questions: How’s your online marketing these days? What about your website? Is it delivering all the customers you can handle, or is it more like an online brochure? While we’re at it, let’s talk about your presence on social media — or should I speak with your social media specialist or marketing manager?
My point? Many small businesses overlook and underestimate the power of marketing on the Internet. What if I told you that harnessing the full power of the Internet to attract prospects, and build a community of devoted fans and customers is not only possible, but a reality for many professionals and retailers in the pool industry?
Everyone thinks they know and understand marketing. Heck, we see those commercials on TV; how difficult can it be? You know all about crafting the right copy that compels web visitors to take action, request more information or purchase on the spot. But did you know you only have between 10 and 20 seconds to capture a prospect’s attention with your message? If you don’t make the connection with them quickly, they’re gone forever.
Much like the person who attempts to repair a pool on their own then sheepishly calls you to clean up their mess, marketing is not for amateurs. I meet many business owners who view their website as a necessary evil. They’ve never considered that it can (and should) be a bona-fide business-building asset.
To get from online brochure to dynamic, lead-generation e-commerce site, hire a pro. Do your homework, though: Most web developers are only that: developers. They are talented but not usually battle-tested in the world of marketing. A pretty website shouldn’t be confused as one that can convert visitors to customers.
Many companies concentrate solely on either web design/development, others on SEM (search-engine marketing). But try to find a company that successfully does both. When building a new website or revamping a current one, make sure it’s easy to navigate. Pepper your copy with calls to action: make an appointment, schedule an estimate, request a call, get additional product or service information, or purchase on your website.
Become a student of your site analytics. My staff and I pore over which pages are most popular, where visitors come from, which visits are from external websites, how long visitors stay on the site, and whether they’re visiting from a smartphone, tablet or computer. It’s vital your site displays properly on mobile devices and computers. Google has instituted a policy that sites must be mobile friendly or could risk lower search-engine rankings. Your survival in the market demands you appear before your prospects properly, regardless of which device they use.
Websites need to be updated, too. Many companies in the pool industry haven’t updated their websites for three years or more. When did you last revise your online project portfolio? Do you have one? Do you regularly update offers and specials? Are you communicating what’s hot with your audience? Make all of this front and center on your website, show you’re on top of cutting edge trends, offering huge benefits to your customers and prospects.
My company, Aquarius Designs, is both a web-design and marketing company. We make it easy for our clients to update their website with our content-management system; no need to know HTML. It’s as easy as editing a Word document: update offers, insert photos in your gallery or promote store specials and events in a snap.
The power of the Internet, properly exploited, must be part of your marketing toolkit. With professional assistance, your website and social media presence can be a 24/7 cash funnel for your business. Build it right, and they will come — and buy!