PSATC enrolling second appenticeship class of in its inaugural year

PSATC enrolling second appenticeship class of in its inaugural year

The Pool & Spa Apprenticeship and Training Committee (PSATC) has opened enrollment for the second class of apprentices in its inaugural year of operation. Enrollment ends September 15th. Reserve your spot before all seats are filled by emailing Jennifer Farwell: In May, the program was the first of its kind to receive approval from…

PHTA launches national apprenticeship program

PHTA launches national apprenticeship program

The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) launched the Registered Pool Maintenance and Service Technician Apprenticeship Program in an effort to assist in building a more skilled and diverse workforce, expand the workforce of service professionals in the aquatics industry. As a registered apprenticeship program, this program has been validated by the U.S. Department of Labor and provides…