Keep the Steam Clean
It goes without saying: Steam rooms in commercial facilities require frequent cleaning to ensure a safe and healthy environment.
It goes without saying: Steam rooms in commercial facilities require frequent cleaning to ensure a safe and healthy environment.
ProTeam, a pool care company based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, now offers Quick Shock to help pool pros start pools off fresh. The fast-dissolving stabilized chlorine granules in this product quickly destroy algae and bacteria. Quick Shock comes in convenient premeasured 1-pound bags — making it easy to add 1 pound for every 10,000 gallons…
Chemical sanitizers will continue to generate sales for the foreseeable future, however, an ever increasing number of pool owners are concerned about chlorine exposure—over 80 percent according to Darren Hickman, CEO of Card on Guard, a floating, solar-based method of oxidizing pool bacteria. And that’s exactly the motivation behind Card on Guard’s development. Released in…