Hypochlorous Generator

ControlOMatic and The Hypochlorous Company Introduce Hypochlorous Generator System

ControlOMatic, Inc., a California manufacturer of saltwater chlorine generators for pools and spas, and The Hypochlorous Company based in Lawrence, Kansas, have partnered to introduce a hypochlorous generator system for customers seeking to avoid the introduction of hazardous, toxic or corrosive chemicals in their pools and spas. “The introduction of the new hypochlorous generation system…

ControlOMatic moves to larger facility

ControlOMatic moves to larger facility

ControlOMatic, Inc., a California manufacturer of saltwater chlorine generators for pools and spas, has moved to a new, larger, state of the art manufacturing and warehouse facility in Grass Valley, California.  In addition to expanding manufacturing and warehousing for the popular SmarterSpa, ChlorMaker and MegaChor product lines, the move also allows for further growth in…

Disinfectant device from ControlOMatic

Disinfectant device from ControlOMatic

ControlOMatic’s new NatureChlor is a low-cost system that creates a disinfectant/sanitizer called hypochlorous acid (HOCL) that can be used to help spa retailers and service techs keep their stores and trucks sanitized without the use of toxic chemicals. NatureChlor converts salt, water, vinegar and electricity into an effective, safe and powerful solution that can substitute…

ControlOMatic Updates MEGAChlor With Chlorine Detection Controls

ControlOMatic upgraded its MegaChlor device with a patent-pending chlorine detection control method. This simple pool chlorine generator, designed for up to 17,000 gallons of water, supplies continuous, around-the-clock chlorine generation without separate buttons, control boxes or timers — it’s all built into the device. This self-contained purification system utilizes a natural process to generate pure…

Web Exclusive: Chlorine vs. Bromine

Web Exclusive: Chlorine vs. Bromine

Paolo (Paul) BenedettiCEO, Aquatic Technology Pool & Spa (Morgan Hill, California)IPSSA Water Chemistry Certification, CPO Certified and Instructor, AST Certified and Instructor, CA – CSLB Industry Expert, Society of Watershape Designer – MASTER, Genesis Instructor Chlorine Pros: Can be stabilized and protected from UV degradation, economical, easy to find Cons: Once chlorine combines with contaminates…

The Rise of Automation

The Rise of Automation

Human error is largely to blame when a commercial pool experiences problems, which is why automated systems are gaining popularity year after year. An automated system eases the burden of having to be on-site several times a day to take a reading. And with growing public concern around water condition in commercial pools, these systems…