Michelle Watson

She Does it All

Michelle Watson stands out in male-dominated pool industry Her grandmother broke the mold as a real-life “Rosie the Riveter,” repairing airplanes during World War II. Following in her footsteps, Michelle Watson is blazing a trail for women in the male-dominated pool industry. As the owner of Shell’s Pool & Spa Service, Watson specializes in pool…

Jared Schwab

Jared Schwab

When someone invents an innovative product, there’s a likely path that is followed. Usually after selling people on the idea, then scaling operations to fulfill orders, there’s a point where the entrepreneur can’t make all the sales themselves. They need help.  Some companies will hire a salesperson or two, train them and send them out…

Communication Breakdowns

Communication Breakdowns

When a customer dreams up the perfect backyard oasis, supply shortages, delays and communication breakdowns usually aren’t part of the fantasy. But with the state of the pool building industry over the past year and a half, that can often be the reality. When lines of communication are broken with customers, they lose confidence in…

Are Your Customers Happy?

Are Your Customers Happy?

How many times have you groaned after receiving a customer survey? Chances are good you probably did. It’s likely even less appealing to send one on your pool company’s behalf. Don’t let it be, says Travis Leonard, CEO of A&G Concrete Pools, Inc., in Fort Pierce, Florida. While slightly time consuming, it’s a game changer…