We Put Ariel to the Test
In the pool service industry, time means money. Seasoned professionals are selective about their tools, equipment, and recommendations to maximize efficiency and earnings.
In the pool service industry, time means money. Seasoned professionals are selective about their tools, equipment, and recommendations to maximize efficiency and earnings.
Most business owners in the pool and spa industry know, formally or informally, what their business goals are for every season. However, it is challenging to make sure every employee at their company can state those goals at a moments notice. It is also challenging to create measurable sub-goals that allow your employees to actively…
If it weren’t for the monthly invoices customers receive, most would never know a pool technician had come around. Arizona entrepreneur Herman Gunther figured there had to be a better way for pool technicians to notify customers about pool servicing. Flimsy invoices fluttering across lawns, against pool pumps or soaked in pool water weren’t quite…
If the majority of your workday is spent planning pool service routes, it may be time for a new strategy. Depending on your needs and budget, there are a variety of ways to effectively retool your service routes. What the Process Looks LikeDan Lenz started working for All Seasons Pools, near Chicago, in 1987. He…