Content Marketing

Content Marketing for Pool Companies

Content marketing can be a powerful way to signal that your pool business is strong and professional without having a conversation. I’ve seen it myself; content marketing can bring you leads you may not have received otherwise.  However, content marketing can mean different things to different business owners. What does good content marketing look like…

gorilla marketing

Making Waves

How gorilla marketing methods can pay dividends The average consumer is subjected to an estimated 365,0000 ads a year, or roughly 10,000 ads every single day. Getting your pool company to stand out may require oversaturating your area with ads, which can drive your advertising budget through the roof. So, how do you get consumers’…

Face Value

Face Value

Regardless of your feelings about Facebook, the social media platform continues to be a player in the marketing world. Many small-business owners feel it’s worthwhile to incorporate Facebook’s advertising features into their marketing strategy, while for others, promotional budgets are best spent elsewhere. James Atlas, principal of Platinum Pool Care in Wheeling, Illinois, is in…

Just Hit Record

Just Hit Record

When Lake Air Pool Supply in Waco, Texas, received its first-ever Endless Pool for the showroom in April 2017, sales manager Ryan Jordan went live on the company’s Facebook page as they unloaded it from the truck. That video alone has more than 750 views. A two-minute live video in June about its tent sale…

Click Like

Click Like

in the last two years, marketing on Facebook has become very sophisticated, and advertising there can be profitable when done correctly. In 2014, a Gallup poll showed social media influenced only 5 percent of consumers’ buying decisions. The tide has turned since then, says Thorin McGee, editor-in-chief and content director of Target Marketing magazine. “This…