Hayward launches AquaRite S3, an integrated salt chlorination system

Hayward launches AquaRite S3, an integrated salt chlorination system

In March, Hayward Holdings, Inc. announced the launch of its advanced AquaRite S3 Salt Chlorination System. While all AquaRite S3 models enable easy user control of salt chlorination, a variable-speed pump and a heater, the new AquaRite S3 Omni model expands control by integrating with Hayward’s top-rated Omni automation platform. Omni offers pool owners intuitive…

Pool Nation Awards 2021

Pool Nation Awards 2021

On November 17, industry professionals gathered at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Center in Dallas to celebrate the first Pool Nation Awards. The sold-out event bestowed awards on 19 products, people and companies nominated and voted on by pool service professionals. PoolPro also honored two of its 30 Under 40 recipients. Winners Variable-Speed Pump of the…