PP20-4 VidThumb

Pandemic Fatigue

This was supposed to be our first commercial-focused issue of PoolPro, and while much of the content focuses on the commercial pool sector, it’s much more of a mishmash than I originally intended. In this strange year, the residential market is booming but the commercial side remains mixed. Many public pools have stayed closed this…

Pool Chasers Podcast

Pool Chasers Podcast

Episode 13: PoolPro Magazine with Megan Kendrick “In this episode we interview Megan Kendrick who is the owner of PoolPro Magazine. It was such an honor for us as PoolPro is our favorite magazine in the industry. Reason being is, it is tailored more to us as pool pro’s. We pick up a copy of…

The Pool Guy Podcast Show

The Pool Guy Podcast Show

Episode 334: PoolPro Magazine: Pool Service Business 101 “In this podcast I interview Megan Kendrick the Publisher/Editor-In-Chief of PoolPro Magazine and we discuss some of the fundamentals of the industry. We also touch on the COVID-19 crisis and some of the things to look out for in your pool service business. PoolPro Magazine’s main focus…

Ready, Set, Go

Ready, Set, Go

Deep breath, everyone — there are still a few more weeks before another frenetic pool season begins. I think our schedules are on opposite trajectories because we frontload as much of our work as possible, so that when your busy season hits, we aren’t bugging you for story quotes and information. I’ve worked in the…

In With the New

In With the New

I can hardly believe that 2020 is upon us. 2019 was an eventful year, to say the least: As many of you know, I welcomed another daughter on October 10. I appreciate all the well-wishes that were sent my way and your graciousness as I care for an infant while running a business. We’ve got…

30 Under 40 is Here!

30 Under 40 is Here!

I am so excited to share PoolPro’s inaugural 30 Under 40, where we honor the underrepresented next generation of swimming pool industry leaders with much-deserved recognition. Some of these will be familiar faces, and others will be as new to you as they were to us. I hope you see yourself in their stories — either…

In with the New

In with the New

Happy new year from all of us at PoolPro. We appreciate your support in 2018, and hope 2019 is great for you personally and professionally. We’ve never before done a themed issue of PoolPro, but we’re starting 2019 with an issue all about retail. If you don’t have a swimming pool retail store, don’t put…

So I Bought A Magazine

So I Bought A Magazine

You may have heard that last month I bought PoolPro, along with sister publications SpaRetailer, Spasearchand Poolsearch. I love this industry and the people in it, and I’m so happy this is where I will continue my career. This process has given me a new respect for small-business owners. As I make further strides in…