
Ban Built-in Blemishes

Pool stains are often associated with lackluster pool maintenance. But pool stains can surface immediately following construction if proper preventive measures aren’t taken during the build. Stain prevention begins with protecting the pool throughout construction. Jeffery Anderson, managing member of Mayan Pools & Sports Construction in Atlanta, says one of the most common errors he…


Blemish Imperfections

An assiduous pool pro does everything to keep the client’s pool looking pristine. After all, pools are as much an aesthetic feature as they are a functional one. Unavoidably, however, pool stains can occur. Understanding how and why, as well as what to do to prevent and remove them, are all part of the pool…

New Product from Stain Drop

Stain Drop Stain Removal Verification Test Kit determines what Stain Drop products are best for pool stain removal through the use of four topical tests. This allows pool professionals and pool owners to verify the correct treatment needed for a particular pool stain without the guesswork. Each S.R.V Kit contains three packets of three powerful…