VGB pool entrapment

Not One More

You know Virginia Graeme Baker, but do you know Abigail Taylor? Abbey was a 6-year-old girl eviscerated by a drain in the wading pool at the Minneapolis Golf Club on June 29, 2007. Despite nine months of hospital care, 16 surgeries and multiple organ transplants, Abbey died from her injuries. Do you know Zachary Cohn?…

Protecting the Public

Protecting the Public

When it comes to commercial swimming pools, the service tech is one of many layers of protection in and around the pool, says Katie Crysdale, principal of Lakeview Aquatic Consultants, Ltd., in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. While some larger commercial pools have lifeguards during swim times, most are not trained to thoroughly examine potential dangers, and…

Layers of Safety

Layers of Safety

It’s not an uncommon concern, but pool safety doesn’t often become a priority for homeowners until they’re brought face-to-face with tragedy or the scare of a lifetime. Mike Tellegen, owner of The Pool & Spa Medic in Molalla, Oregon, recalls the time he received a call from a mother who, after finding a door ajar…

The Modern Pool

The Modern Pool

Photos courtesy 2018 APSP International Awards of Excellence winners Much more than just a hole in the ground filled with water, the modern pool is both a marvel of engineering and a work of art. Customers can choose from a dazzling menu of features and add-ons that would have been unthinkable just a few years…