
Monitor Daily

When Ravi Kurani’s father owned a pool company in Riverside, California, he’d tell his son about the frustrations pool owners had when their pool water was out of whack — and the tedium and frustration of water chemistry, logbooks, chemical calculations and follow-ups with pool treatments. Ravi Kurani sought a solution and, in 2015, founded…


Multitasking Borates

Several in the pool industry believe that EPA-registered borates deserve more attention from dealers, technicians and owners. “This is the most underutilized and overlooked product in our entire product line,” says Alicia Stephens, manager of training and education at BioLab Incorporated in Lawrenceville, Georgia. “And I hate that because it’s a wonderful product that can…

Strips, Drops and Beyond

Strips, Drops and Beyond

It seems water-testing systems come down to two choices: Time-tested visual methods that rely on the human eye’s ability to discern changes in color, and sophisticated electronic instruments that do all the work for you. When choosing water-testing supplies for your own applications, you’ll have to consider factors like the level of precision you require,…

Dialed In

Dialed In

Edwards Pool Construction in Andover, Kansas, started using the Orenda Mobile App in spring of 2018 after owner, Steve Edwards, read several posts about it on Facebook. “The Orenda app has greatly enhanced our water chemistry comprehension and simplified teaching ourselves and our service techs water chemistry,” Edwards says. “Our ability to explain to the…

New Products from NC Brands

NC Brands, maker of Natural Chemistry and SeaKlear branded water treatment products, is offering its dealers a free test kit designed to test for phosphates in pool water that comes with a color chart, test tube vial and 100 tests for quick, accurate test results. Any qualifying dealers who purchase either Natural Chemistry or SeaKlear…

Stubborn Algae?

Stubborn Algae?

Deborah Martin, owner of The Pool Medic in central California, tried PoolRx as a last resort. She had struggled to keep a pool algae-free in summer 2015. It was a brand new, 45,000-gallon, full sun, black bottom Pebble Tec pool. “I get it stabilized, running the thing for like 18 hours a day and it’s…