Beyond Trichlor

Beyond Trichlor

With the industry-wide shortage of trichlor tablets, more pool professionals are left with little choice but to switch customers to alternative sanitizers, especially liquid chlorine and calcium hypochlorite. Since it involves volatile and corrosive chemicals, changing sanitizing methods comes with a host of concerns, from proper dosing and pH levels to safe application, transportation and…

Strips, Drops and Beyond

Strips, Drops and Beyond

It seems water-testing systems come down to two choices: Time-tested visual methods that rely on the human eye’s ability to discern changes in color, and sophisticated electronic instruments that do all the work for you. When choosing water-testing supplies for your own applications, you’ll have to consider factors like the level of precision you require,…

Clear Comfort Partners With Carecraft

On February 7, Clear Comfort announced a partnership with Carecraft, a buying group for independent pool and spa professionals. Clear Comfort brings AOP sanitation — which uses hydroxyl radicals for water sanitation — to Carecraft’s member base of builders, retailers and service companies. “We are proud to offer Clear Comfort’s exciting technology to our Members,”…