Vic Garcia

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When Vic Garcia wanted to build a pool in his backyard, he started calling different industry companies. But the operational issues he encountered — high-pressure sales, flakiness, lack of follow up and low design creativity — made him realize change was needed. 

As an engineer for the Department of Defense, Garcia manages fleet readiness of combat systems. “I figured, ‘How hard could this be?’ ” he says. “I purchased pool design software and simply started teaching myself how to design with a function and efficient construction process in mind.”

His self-taught methods led him to launch G6 Designs in 2018, supporting various small contractors with design, planning, engineering and assisting in the sales process.

“I set off to erase the negative stereotypes of SoCal pool builders,” Garcia says. “I grew a vast network of pool professionals and eventually decided I could make an impact on the industry by doing business the way it should be done. It started as a hobby, but now it’s a full-blown design-to-build operation.”

The company provides A-to-Z support: Its 15 employees provide in-house design and engineering for plumbing, masonry and landscaping. Price-lock and schedule guarantees are also provided.

Vic still works 40 hours a week for the Department of Defense and runs G6 Designs in the afternoons and weekends. His wife, Karina, resigned her job in law enforcement and runs the G6 day shift.

G6 Designs is also now incorporating virtual reality design walk through consultations for clients, which are housed in the company’s new design center. “We pride ourselves on being outsiders/different and, so far, the market is loving us,” Garcia says.

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