William Graham

PP22 6 Web Feature30Under40WilliamGraham


William Graham admits that it’s a cliché, but he feels like he’s found a home at Spa Electrics. His dad, Bill Graham, who has worked in the pool industry for more than 20 years, pointed him to the company. “Coming from a background of customer service, technical service, sales and a strong business acumen, my experience and values seemed like the perfect fit for the pool industry and Spa Electrics,” William says. 

While some may feel exhausted at the end of a busy week, William says he doesn’t get tired of the daily grind because there isn’t one. “I enjoy that no two days are the same,” he says. “There is always a unique problem to solve, which I find extremely rewarding.”

Spa Electrics is based out of Australia, and Graham’s goal is to see how far he can grow the business in the U.S. market. “I take pride in seeing the U.S. branch grow year on year and use this, along with customer feedback, to gauge our performance and ultimately achieving my goals. I believe my future is firmly rooted where I am.”

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